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The most powerful force in the Universe is LOVE

It is more powerful than our Sun

The second most powerful force is INTENTION

Intention is the power of creation



I am born in Love, I am Love

I am born Free in Love

I am free

I am Love

Love has no fear

Love has no hate

Love has no shame

Love has no jealousy

Love has no envy

Love has no violence

Love does not blame

Love does not control

Love does not judge

Love knows only Love

If I feel anything but love, I am not Love, but that's OK, I can come back to love anytime I want, it will always be there for me because I am it.


I have freewill, I accept the responsibility of freedom, I am responsible for the consequences of my actions.


Definition of LIFE



my quest is JOY

the result is EXPANSION


The Basic Laws of Creation (Universe) (Bashar)


1. I exist (I AM).  (I have always existed and I will always exist)

2. Everything is here now.  (Time and space is an illusion, only my experience is real)

3. All is one and the one is all. 

4. What you put out is what you get back.  (the outside is a reflection of the inside)

5. The only constant in the universe is change. (Except the four first laws which are constant)

Every individual is self aware, self reflective and is a Free Will entity.


Learning to live in My Community


My body is composed of 300+ billion cells, each talking to each other and talking with my brain. Each cell is a complete and separate entity and is assigned a specific job. Each cell knows exactly what to do, its role for the good function of my body. When each cell accomplish its work, the whole body is happy and in good health. When a cell decide to not accomplish its assigned work, the body becomes ill and needs help to repair or replace the damaged cell.


Our society works the same as the body. Each human is a cell of society and when some cells refuse to do the assigned work, the society becomes sick and needs help. Then we have a sick society and it needs treatment or help. Society must repair its sick cells. Isolating the sick cells in a box (prison) is not a viable solution for the community, it is like administering medication to isolate the symptoms of an ailment, it does not heal.


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