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This is basically why we built this web site together. She is my guide and she is involved in everything I do with spirituality. We are so closely connected because we are soulmates, we basically come from the same Self (higher self). We came into this lifetime to help each other and that is what we do. We have many lifetimes together and we will have more. Yes, we have more lessons to learn and that is ok.  This page is to explain the spiritual relationship we have together.


One other of my guides is Erik, he came to me some time after Rita's transition,  Erik is a spirit also.  At this time in my life I trust spirits more than I trust humans.  I mention Erik at this time because he is the one, with Rita that invited me to build this web site when we were talking about Longevity.  Longevity is a project of mine, it is explained in an other page.  This page is basically the reason for this web site and because I am advised by spirit to do so.    


A few weeks  before Rita's  transition, I was sitting in the living room, reading.  That was during the construction of the house.  While she was walking towards me, I looked up at her and I was startled, her face was dazzling.  We did not talk about this afterwards and now I know why.  I do not talk to spirits directly... yet,  I need a medium to make the connection or translate the messages for me.  So I use mediums to talk with spirit.  A few months after her transition I talked to her through a medium and asked her what was the reason for her dazzling face in that moment.  She answered "Yes, that was the moment that I found serenity, that was the moment I decided to leave."  She left a couple weeks later, all she needed then was an excuse, a reason to leave.   She fell in the bathroom in early morning, was brought to the hospital and transitioned 22 hours later.  


From that experience I have a new understanding about life and death.   People die when they decide to, when they are ready, no accident there.  There are no accidents, all is designed to happen when it does and there is always a reason for it.  And yes, the reason for her transition is to help me with my life and to help me help others, to be of service.  That is why we always work together.  You can read in the other pages about what we are presently doing together, mostly hypnotherapy at the moment.







The name of this web site is “rinorita”, because we are working on this together. One could say that we are partners in producing and maintaining this site.  Rita came into my life in1984, we met at work and the rest is history. Since her transition (death) on August 22, 2004 she has been helping me with my life. Since her transition she is my guide and she is with me 24 - 7.

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