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The New Earth is talked much in the Spiritual community. 

I first read about it through Eckhart Tolle.

What is it?  

Is it a place or a state of mind?  It is both. 

I teach the New Earth


My perspective of The New Earth


All things and entities are energy, we are energy and

energy vibrates at different frequencies depending

on many factors, for humans it is determined by our state of mind, mostly our emotions. 

When one lives in Fear, his energy is vibrating at a low frequency.  When one lives in Love, his energy is vibrating at a high frequency.  So Fear is low frequency vibrations and Love is high frequency vibrations.


What does frequency of vibration has to do with the Old Earth and the New Earth?

We presently live on the Old Earth, we can tell by its frequency.  We know that the Earth we live on is very dense and vibrates at a low frequency because of the state of mind of humanity that lives on it.  We live in Fear, war, violence and negativity.  So Humanity is vibrating at a low frequency.  That is our frequency and that is also the frequency of the Earth that we live on.  We also know that it is the frequency of the third dimension and that's where we are,  humanity and Earth.


The New Earth vibrates at a higher frequency and it is in a higher dimension.  The New Earth is in the fifth dimension and does vibrate at a higher frequency.  We, humanity and Earth are presently living in the third dimension, we do not have access to the New Earth which is in the fifth dimension.   In this moment my attention is focused in the third dimension. One cannot focus in more than one dimension at a time.  So, in this moment, we live in the third dimension.  The frequency of my energy has to match that of the Earth.  We know what the energy of this earth is, much fear, violence, war and negativity, that's what it is and that's what we live, our energy, the energy of humanity.


The door to the fifth dimension and the New Earth is through the heart, my heart, your heart, our hearts.  To live on the New Earth I have to live in my heart, to live in Love.  Only then, my state of mind, my emotions and my frequency will be compatible with the frequency of the energy of the New Earth and the fifth dimension.  To live in the energy of the fifth dimension and the New Earth, the frequency of vibration of my energy has to match that of the fifth dimension. 


The process of moving to the New Earth is individual, do not wait for all of humanity to do it for you because it will not.  Each individual (entity) has to make his or her decision and take the steps required to do it,  if you want to.  


I am ready and willing to take the required steps to move to the New Earth, in the fifth dimension.  Enough of the fear, hate, sickness, violence and contraction for me, I want to live in a place of Love, harmony and expansion.  What is required of me?  Am I ready and willing to make the efforts to change and live in a different environment?  All I have to do is to modify my belief system and change my behavior, can I do that?  Do I want to make the effort to do that?


Now, it is your turn to decide for yourself.  Have you decided yet?

I created this page to invite you to do the same, if you want to.

That you come with me or not, I am going.  If you decide to move to the New Earth, keep reading and find out how and join the Facebook group "Nouvelle Terre" so we can keep in touch, exchange, and grow together.


I understand that humanity has lived in this state of Fear for thousands of years.  How do we change that?  I cannot change humanity, I can only change myself.  A positive change in myself will have a positive impact on humanity. How do I raise the frequency of my energy to match the energy of the New Earth?  That is actually the only requirement, to raise the frequency of my vibrations.  As said before, it is a state of mind and emotions and it may be easier said than done.  First, I have to connect to my heart, I have to live in my heart, all the time.  I need that connection to be able to feel. Feeling is my barometer, it tells me if what I am doing is right or wrong for me.  When I do something right I feel good and I need that to guide my life.  Otherwise I don't know what is right and what is wrong for me.  I have to be in touch with my emotions to know if I am on the right path, is this decision in my best interest?  Who decides what is right and what is wrong, ME (my feelings).  I have to live in the moment all the time, otherwise I won't feel and I won't know.  I have to feel first for every decision I take.


I do not  judge myself and others, judgment comes from the mind, not the heart and it is not a good feeling thus it is not good for me.  It is also a low vibration frequency, so it lowers my

frequency, not good for me.  And the secret is:  Good feelings raise my vibrational frequency and bad feelings lowers it.  That's how I know how to raise my frequency and keep it high.  Now I know, so I can make a choice.  What are the emotions that raise the frequency of my energy? 


There is only Love and Fear in this world, all emotions are a part of one or the other, Love or Fear.  Love comes from the heart and Fear comes from the mind.

Emotions that make me feel good are:  Love, Joy, Play, Giving, Helping, Happiness, Gratitude …

Emotions that make me feel bad are:  Fear, jealousy, judgment, hate, shame, envy, violence, control others, blame ...


So, any decision and action I take makes me feel something, good or bad, and a good feeling raises the frequency of my vibrations.  It may take some time and practice for me to live in a place of mostly good feelings and high vibrations.  And the place of high vibrations is in the heart, not in the mind.  


For those of us that want to move to the New Earth, now we know what to do.  It is a personal choice, no one else can do it for me.


The New Earth is a place of higher vibrations, so it is a more enjoyable place to be where there is no fear, violence, anger .....


The following scale shows the emotions with their corresponding frequencies:



 On this chart, all the emotions below Pride do not feel good, so they have a lower frequency.  Taking the habit to focus on what makes me happy will maintain higher vibrations and I will be in a place of good feelings and emotions.  It is not always easy to be in a state of high frequency and good emotions all the time.  We are here on Earth to learn and Life is full of surprises and challenges to help us learn the lessons we came here for.  We are not meant to be constantly happy, otherwise we would not learn much.  We can accept the challenges and look for the opportunities to learn from it. 


I believe that living in a place of higher vibrations is a lifelong process.  Actually, I have lived many lives on this earth before to work on this process of expansion, my expansion. 

I have to be conscious and present to make the changes along the way.  I accept the responsibility that comes with freedom (free choice) and make the required changes in my life.  I have to be the change I want to see in my society, my tribe, my collective, in humanity.  




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