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Belief system


Opinions are important, they allow the expression of our beliefs.

I listen to your opinion. I respect your opinion.

I may agree or disagree with your opinion, but I can't and I do not want to change it.

I can argue your opinion.

Your opinion is unique to yourself.

It is not important that I agree of disagree with your opinion.

Differing opinions creates diversity.


My opinion comes from my belief system.

My beliefs are created in my mind and are the result of my perception of my environment, they are the result of my conditioning.

Because of that, no two people have exactly the same belief system and opinions.

Humans learn constantly, so belief systems and opinions change. New knowledge change our beliefs.

I realize that the beliefs about reality are just that, beliefs, and not necessarily an attribute of reality.  

I must make a clear distinction between Me and my beliefs, I am not my beliefs.


My thoughts, beliefs, emotions and expectations create my reality, my world.  I am also the co-creator of this universe.  I am in control of my own experience, I am not a slave to events.   I am not powerless to change events.

I have to learn the power of my thoughts, emotions and expectations.

I am in essence a creative spiritual being having an earthly experience, I am a creator. 


When I realize that I create my own reality through my own thoughts and desires, then I have learned the most important aspect of reality.  This is what I have been setting out to do in my other lives, in my past incarnations.  When I realize this and act upon it, there in so reason to come back here on earth again, unless I really want to.


Third dimensional experience is an invaluable place of training.  I am in physical existence to learn and understand that my energy translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions causes all experiences. "there are no exceptions"


I must understand the nature of reality before I can manipulate within it intelligently and well.  In this environment and in physical reality, I am learning that my thoughts have reality, and that I create the reality that I know.  When I leave this dimension, then I concentrate upon the knowledge that I have gained.  I teach myself the lesson until I have learned it.  And when I have learned it, then I have begun to learn how to handle the consciousness that is mine intelligently and well, for the very point of physical existence is that I realize that my thoughts become matter while I am here.  I am meant to realize that it is materialization of my thoughts, feelings and images, that the inner self forms this world.  In my terms, I cannot be allowed to go into other dimensions until I have learned the great power of my thoughts and subjective feelings.


My belief system is important to me because it creates my world, my reality. 

That is how powerful my ideas and intentions are, I create my reality every moment.  The world I live in is not an accident, I create it.

Saying an affirmation does not mean I have integrated it into my belief system.  Until I have integrated it, it is not mine, which means I do not really believe it.




I listen, feel and learn.

I verify the new information against my beliefs and decide if it makes sense to me from my feelings. Yes, I accept, No, I reject. The feelings I get tells me if it is for me or not. Do I get a good or a bad feeling when I receive the information? For this reason, it is important for me to always be in touch with my feelings, and trust my feelings. No one can tell me how I should feel because feelings comes before thought. Beliefs comes first, then comes feelings and emotions before thought.  I feel in the gut and I think in the mind.


As we can see belief is constantly evolving, changing, we call that human growth or expansion. When I accept new knowledge, I expand and that is why I am here in this lifetime, to learn.


The Nature of Humanity


The nature of humanity is LOVE.

Some believe that it is Fear and hate, it is not, it cannot be, because:

Each human being is created (born) in Love, from Love, there are no other possibilities.  It cannot be otherwise because Life and Love is the same, if there is no Love there is no Life, the person is dead.  Love is the core of every human alive.  if a person is alive, his core is Love, it may not show but it is there.

So, humans are fundamentally GOOD because Life is Love.


Fear, hate, and violence is a conditioned behavior, a learned behavior. It is NOT an expression of Love, Love comes from the heart and the heart knows only Love. Fear comes from the mind and it knows all the negative emotions, it does not come from the same place, it comes from the Ego. The Ego lives in the mind, not in the heart … big difference!


The Ego is Fear, it is a learned behavior created by the mind and it lives in the mind.

In any moment, a human lives in the mind or in the heart, not both at the same time and it is easy to tell by the emotions. Over the centuries, the Ego has gained much power in humanity and it has created much negativity and pain. That is what the Ego thrives on, pain. So much that the Ego has created its own “pain body” and the painbody thrives on pain. The painbody search pain to feed itself and it always finds it. No wonder there so much pain and suffering in humanity.


When I live in my heart I am LOVE.

When I live in my mind (Ego) I am FEAR (pain).

Since we have freewill, we choose every moment what we want to feel.

Or, do we really have a choice?

We only have a choice when we know we have been given the gift of Freewill at birth and then we know we have a choice. Most people do not use their Freewill, they do not know they have a choice.  They do not use their power.


Happiness is:


Happiness is acceptance, accept what is. It does not mean that you cannot change things. It means accept first and then change it. Rejecting first creates negative feelings and negative emotions, thus low vibrations.  I care about the frequency of my vibrations because it determines my level of happiness.
























I create my reality.

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