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Meditation to remove entities from my body   (inspired by Alison Alan)


If you suspect that you have attachments to your body you may want to do the following meditation to remove them. 

Attachments may be spirit entities and/or ET (extraterrestrial entities)

This intension or contract binds in all timelines and dimensions.
I take back control of my energies
I take control of my body, my mind, my spirit and soul.
All contracts that I may have accepted in all timelines are broken this moment.
I free my body, my mind, my spirit and my soul from all contracts in all timelines and dimensions.
I take my power back.  I take my freedom back.  I take my free choice back.
My life belongs to me only.  No entity, spirit, ET or energy is allowed to attach to me and/or control me. 
I have full control of my life.
All attachments are removed this moment.
I free myself of any and all attachments this moment.
No permission will ever be granted to any entity to attach to my body in all timelines
No permission is given to any energy to occupy my energy space in all lifetimes and dimensions.
I take my freewill, I take my power, I take my freedom, I am in control.
I am free.
This contract is my intention, done in a place of love and is unbreakable.


Meditation with colors for cancer patients  (Michael Newton) 


1. Begin by calming your mind. Forgive people for all the real and imagined wrongs that have hurt you. Spend five minutes cleansing, where you visualize all negative thought energy—including fears about your illness—as a black color. Think of a vacuum cleaner moving from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet, sucking up and pushing out of your body all the darkness from the pain and hurt of your disease.


2. Now, create a light blue halo above your head that represents your spirit guide, whom you call upon for help while sending out loving thoughts. Then spend another five minutes concentrating on your breathing while counting the breaths. Measure your breaths carefully while thinking comfort in and tightness out. You want to harmonize your breathing with the rhythm of the body.


3. At this point, start to think of your own higher consciousness as an expanding white-gold balloon to help protect your body. Say in your mind: "I want that part of me which is immortal to defend the mortal." Now begin your deepest concentration. You will pull the purity of white light from the balloon and send it as a power beam into your body organs. Since your white blood cells represent the strength of your immune system, visualize them as bubbles and move them around your body. Think of the white bubbles as attacking the black cancer cells and dissolving them with the power of light over darkness.


4. If you are receiving chemotherapy, support this treatment by sending out a lavender color as you would see from an infrared heat lamp to all parts of your body. This is the divine color of wisdom and spiritual power.


5. Now, send out the color green for healing these damaged cells from the effects of the cancer. You might blend this color with the blue of your spiritual guide intermittently during the most difficult periods. Pick your own shade and think of the green as a flowing liquid mending your insides.


6. Your last step is to once again create the blue halo of light around your head to sustain mental strength and courage over a weakened body. Expand it around the external parts of your body as a shield. Feel the healing power of this light of love both inside and outside. Think of yourself in a state of suspension and close by repeating a mantra such as "Heal, Heal, Heal."


Powerful Crystalline Healing Visualization (Dolorese Cannon)


I want you to visualize a beautiful crystal silver river, like a river of silver and crystal energy, it sparkles and it shines and it’s very beautiful. I want you to see this beautiful silver river of energy entering through the top of your head into your crown chakra.

Now it is going to slowly move down through your body. As it moves through your body’s energy centers, the silver river of energy will expand out into all the cells of your body. It moves down through the third eye chakra, sending healing energy throughout the head, to all the cells in that area. Now it moves down through the throat chakra sending all the healing energy to every cell in the throat area. You can feel the energy; it is beautiful and peaceful. And you know that this energy is healing as it moves through the cells of the body.

Now this energy is moving down through the heart center and it’s sending the healing energy to all the cells in that area of the body. Now the healing energy is moving down to the solar plexus chakra and it’s sending this beautiful healing energy to all the cells in your abdomen.

Now the healing river of energy is moving down to the second chakra just below your belly button, and it’s sending all the healing energy to all the cells in that area of the body. Now the healing energy is moving down to the root chakra and it is sending healing energy to all of the cells in that area of the body.

You can feel the healing energy moving through all of the cells of the body. It is warm, beautiful and peaceful and it has great power. It heals everywhere it touches, it’s moving all throughout all of the cells of the body.

Now, the body has all of the energy that it needs, to remain balanced and in harmony. Any excess energy that is not needed by the body to function in complete balance and harmony, is passed off through the legs and feet. Anything that the body does not need is passed off through the legs and feet and then absorbed by Mother Earth to provide healing life-giving energy wherever it is needed on the planet. 


Mother Earth now sends a surge of energy to you, following the path back up your central energy column. As the energy reaches your root chakra, it spreads out in a deep, warm, rich red, filling you with strength and a solid sense of grounded security in this body, on this earth.

As the energy moves up to your sacral chakra, an intense, flaming orange ignites you with the joy of unbridled creativity and passion.

This surge of energy moves through your solar plexus chakra, shining a brilliant yellow like a ray of sunlight, bathing you in self-love, confidence, and awakening your own divine power and will.

As it moves into your chest, the energy feeds your heart center with the living, healing green of infinite love and compassion. This green energy spreads down your arms, into your hands and fingers as you consciously connect with the universal love in your heart, allowing you to share a ripple of growth and change with anyone you touch.

The energy continues up into your throat chakra, spilling out in brilliant blue waves of power that allow you to give voice to your authentic expression and speak your truth. As the energy moves up into your third eye, it fills you with a calm, deep purplish indigo which represents the depths of wisdom you can perceive with your intuition and mind’s eye.

Moving up and out of your crown chakra this energy is pure white light, with streaks of gold and silver, showering you with peace and understanding of your divine connection. The energy carries the colors of your power centers in a brilliant rainbow shooting straight up from your crown, connecting directly with your higher self.

© Dolores Cannon Living Trust 2015



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