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My Routine 
I better explain part of my routine to getting younger at this time. Each morning I take two teaspoons of ORMUS in a glass of water. Ormus is not a medication, I would say it is a supplement. Please search the internet to find out more. This activity reminds me that it is time for my routine so I don't forget it. While holding the glass of ormus to my heart to infuse positive energy into it I say:​

that each new cell be younger than your creator
that each new DNA be younger than your creator
that each new DNA be 6 helix, 12 strings … crystalline
that each new DNA be a new baby ADN with no memory
that each new cell be a new baby cell with no memory
that each DNA, cell and organ reject the toxins, parasites, pesticides, pathogens, free radicals, bacteria, viruses, and reject everything that is toxic to my health
Thank you each DNA, cell, and organ for doing the assigned work to allow me to grow and expand, 
thank you for my perfect health, 
thank you for being young and getting younger,
thank you for rejecting the collective belief of humanity on aging, 
thank you for my strong and intelligent immune system,
thank you for being happy.
I bless this ormus to regenerate the cells of my body with love.​

Here is the link to show how I make my ORMUS:   

This is a process to counteract the collective agreement of aging. I am my cells and DNA, nothing else. All else is intention.  Taking ormus is one step in this process.  A more important step is my intention to counteract the collective agreement of aging.  And the most important is my belief system, all depends on the belief system.
I am not doing this alone, I cannot do this alone, I have help. I have my guides and I started with Alison Alan as my connection with my Higher Self and my guides. ​ Taking the ORMUS was suggested to me by my guides.

Why not just stop aging instead of getting younger?  Because life is a process that cannot be stopped, you get younger or you get older, it cannot stop, that's my belief about life. So I decided to go backward and get younger. I do not want to live forever, my intention is to live better and longer so I can do the things I came here to do and I am not finished yet. There is no reason for sickness to create a miserable life.  So, the physical body has to be taken care of.  When I am done I will go, there will be no reason for me to stay here any longer.
Erik suggested that I write about this experience because others could benefit from it. He also suggested that I post a photo each month to record the difference over time.​
There is more to this process.
Others have done this before so, more information is available.
Loren Hoover in his book: "Grow Young Fast", 2014 tells more.
Also, Peter Kelder in his book: "Fountain of Youth" tells more.  I like his quote: "Don't wait until you are near death before you awaken to life.  Begin now to live life fully, and set the Youthing process in motion."​

More on my process:
I have a page that I use as a guide and here it is;​
Exercise, Hatha Yoga
Imagine myself at 25
Pulling Oil
Five Tibetans
1.Spin left to right , arms parallel to the ground, hands down (chakras) 21 times
Hatha Yoga asanas (postures)
2.  Lunge
3.  Down Dog
4.  Balance on one leg
5.  Relax in a Yoga Nidra
6. Sexual energy 
Redirect sexual energy from the Kundalini upward in the body, stand erect, exhale, bend over, put hands on knees, force out the last bit of air
stand erect, put hands on hips and press down, lift shoulders, tighten abdomen, hold breath as long as possible, breath in through the nose, breath out through the mouth
Relax, breath deeply, slowly in and out until completely relaxed​
More later...

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