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MEDITATION      New Earth


I am inviting you to follow me in this experience of the New Earth

I have no intention of stimulating your mind

I want to talk to your heart because that's where I am inviting you to live this moment, to live in your heart.

The outside world offers you all the opportunities to stimulate your mind.

This moment, I invite you to disconnect your mind and live in your heart.

I invite you to close your eyes and Return into your heart.

I invite you join me on a journey of relaxation to allow you to live more deeply into your heart.

Now, you are talking to yourself.

I concentrate on my breath.

I take a slow deep breath and exhale slowly.

I take another deep breath and hold it for one, exhale.

I take another deep breath and hold it for one and two, exhale.

I take another deep breath and hold it for one, two and three, exhale.

I take another deep breath and hold it for one, two and three and four, exhale.

I take another deep breath and hold it for one, two and three, four and five, exhale.

Now breath normally.

I feel the air flowing in my body, in my nose, in my lungs.

I concentrate on my breath and my whole body while I feel the air flowing.

I take another breath while I feel the air flowing in my lungs.

I want this air that enters my body to be pure to give me perfect health.

This pure air that enters my lungs is energy, the energy of life, without this air and this energy there is no life, that is what sustain my body, it keeps my body alive.

I breath again while I am conscious and feel the energy that enters with the air into my body, into my lungs.

From my lungs, the energy goes to my heart to be distributed in my body.

This life energy is circulated in all the parts of the body to its extremities, from my head to my toes and to the end of my fingers.

I feel the vibrations of this life energy in my fingers and my hands. It is vibrating, it tingles, it is warm and it feels good, it is life.

I appreciate the warmth and the vibrations of this energy in my whole body, it is life energy, it is life itself.

The energy of creation, it is my energy, it is my light.

This energy comes from the source of life, the source of creation to my heart to be redirected in my whole body, I feel the vibrations and the warmth, I am life.

This life energy is also called LOVE, it is the same, life energy is love energy.

I am created in love, I am love, it is my heart and this love will always be in my heart for as long as I live because love is life, where there is no love, there is no life.

That is why I choose to live in my heart this moment, I choose to live in love, I live in my heart, I live in love, I am love.

I feel the energy of this love that circulate in my whole body this moment, I feel the warmth and the vibrations and I enjoy and appreciate it.

I am love.

I love myself.

I feel the warmth and the vibrations of life energy, of love energy.

To live in my heart is to live in love, my love, my light.

It is my love, it is my light.

To live in my heart is to connect with my feelings, my emotions.

I am an emotional being first.

To live in my heart is to live in love and live my emotions.

My emotions are my most reliable life guide.

Love knows only love, there is nothing else in my heart.

All the other human emotions that the mind knows so well do not exist in my heart, love does not know the negative emotions.

I take a moment to enjoy and appreciate the love in my heart, my light.

And I know that love is my nature, the real me, I am not my mind, I am not my ego, I am not my name, I am not my things, I am more than that, it is what I live this moment, the love in my heart, the love of my Self.

It is the first reason for living in my heart this moment, I forget my mind.

If an idea comes, I am conscious that an idea has no power over me and I return in my heart.

In my heart, I discover all the beautiful emotions, all that is love, I discover serenity, silence and peace, it is my higher self, my true self. It is the light of my life, my light.

The second reason I live in my heart this moment is because my heart is the door to the New Earth, it is the only door to the New Earth, there is no other way, I enter the New Earth through the door of my heart.

During the time I live in my heart, I live on the New Earth, I live in the fifth dimension, I appreciate and enjoy this moment.

Now I know, and I remember that it is my choice each moment to live the life that is best for me, the life that is most pleasant, the life that I prefer.

I am always free to return to this space in my heart, on the New Earth.

I invite you to think about this when you are in your solitude.

I invite you now to take a few breath and slowly come back to this reality, in this room.

When you are ready, open your eyes and come back on this New Earth.

Now, I invite you to light a candle, place it in front of you and look at it for a moment.

I invite you to repeat after me:

I see the light

I bring the light in me

The light is in me

I am the light

It is the light of love in me

I am love, I am light

And remember that this light is always there in yourself, no matter what happens on the outside and you can come back to it any moment that you choose to.

I invite you to extinguish the candle, you don't need it anymore, the light is in you, this light will always be there in you, it is Love, it is life itself.

In difficult times, remember this, you can always return into your heart where you will find peace, serenity and the joy of life.


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