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My Mission


I see my mission on Earth to be in many parts.  First, I am on a journey, life and death is a journey and I am on it, we all are.  At this time I am on a healing journey which is actually an expansion process.  By expansion I mean acquiring knowledge or remembering through my human experience and you can help me learn more by sharing your experiences here.  I can get information,through many channels like books and the internet but I can only get knowledge through my human experience.  To get it I have to live it.


Another part of my mission and yours is to create.  We are all creators.  We have this innate urge to create because that is one of the reasons we came here for... to create and we did and we do create.  For my expansion I have to create.   I want to share with you the result of my creations (in the physical and in the spiritual) in this life and I wish you do the same.


I was born in July, 1940.

So, I have been creating for a few years, learning and experiencing, knowledge that I want to share with you.  Unfortunately, I have not kept track of it all because I did not know that one day I would share it with you.
For most of this lifetime, I have been a teacher, who has never been a teacher, we all  are, if you have children, you are a teacher.  Teaching is another innate urge that we have.  We want to help the other in whatever way we can.  We want the other to be happy and have a beautiful life.  And it is another reason for this internet site, to share and expand our knowledge together.
On this site you will find a number of topics from New Earth, Creations to Spirituality and Longevity.  These are part of my accomplishments this far and I am not done yet... more to come!
During this lifetime, I have concentrated on different things (projects) at different times as my interest pulls me, we all do.  I am presently concentrating on Spirituality and on helping others to heal.  I do life regression Hypnotherapy, I am a certified QHHT and Introspective Hypnosis practitioner.  I am also a Kinetic Shift practitioner.  I love this work because I help and learn at the same time.  I learn so much during each session, I am all for more knowledge.  Learning will never stop for me in this lifetime, in other lifetimes and in between lives. My purpose for this website is to share with you and learn more.
Enjoy this site and feel free to comment and add to the Forum.




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